All of our plans come with:
Cpanel hosting
cPanel is an online web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a web site to the website owner or the “end user”. Today is the most most advanced control panel in market, being developed and upgrading since 1996.
Softaculous auto installer
Softaculous is an auto installer for cPanel that makes development a lot faster and easy even for not very advanced users.
Unlike other auto installers, Softaculous is much faster, well designed and it installs all scripts in just ONE STEP.
You can install WordPress, Joomla or other platforms with one click. Softaculous has a list of 449 scripts to install with one click! see al the list here
Free Migration help
We can migrate / move your web hosting account, emails, databases, control panel settings, web applications, email accounts, and websites from other host to our servers. You have to contact our support about the migration and leave the rest to us. In order to migrade, you will need to sign up in our hosting services.
Also included
Web Mail
E-Mail Forwarders
Mailing Lists
CloudFlare CDNSPF & DKIM
Addon Domains
Ruby on Rails
Ioncube & Zend Loaders
Perl & CGI
Python cURL
Cron Jobs
Custom Error Pages
Hotlink Protection
RedirectsPassword Protected
Access & Error Logs
Bandwidth Usage Logs